Miscellaneous Sigils of 2023-2024

There's a sigil for that.

We decided to try to make a sigil at least once a month, at the new moon, for all of 2023.

That didn't last, but it was fun before it got overwhelming.

Here are most of those sigils, and any other random ones we finish this year.

We Have a Purpose

January 21, 2023 new moon sigil (actually completed on January 22). Personal sigil for the system's use.

Joy and Sweetness

First sigil for Imbolc, February 5, 2023. The bee takes in positivity through the feet and antennae, storing it in the body for general use, the dots by the wings for freedom, and the large dot at the stinger for protection. The four black stripes on the lower body are for stability.

Energy Collector & Refiner

Second sigil for Imbolc, February 5, 2023. Energy is taken in through the colored dots at the top and filtered through, refined in the triangle, and stored in the bottom spiral. If anyone out there wants to modify this for personal use, the rainbow colors in the triangle could be replaced with a symbol of the purpose that the energy is being collected for.

We Are Loved

February 2023 new moon sigil, completed 2/19/23. For the system's personal use.


May 2023 new moon sigil, a tribute to a spirit we work with. Completed 5/21/23.


A sigil to encourage creativity. Completed 6/2024.